Monday, July 22, 2013

C.E.S. "Le Challenge" - General Info.

To Be, or Not To Become

I have found along my journeys/ adventures that Life brings us many changes through challenges along the way. And although some may be more difficult than others, it is almost always a positive growth experience to be embraced. For each of us it is different, and each of us react differently. Some like myself, enjoy many and tend to create new challenges for ourselves. These are usually within our comfort zones and abilities, but not always. For sometimes it is the harder to achieve, that truely helps us grow.
Along with these changes and challenges come the oh so many inspirations! These help to keep us motivated; as we learn, create, and grow from them in so many ways. It can become an ongoing Life 'Le Challenge' (as I call it). My thoughts are endless!
There are many local activities, events, and holiday celebrations throughout the year; that can provide inspiration/ opportunities. With this in mind, I have started a list for myself and anyone else interested. I hope you enjoy the 'Le Challenge's, that I share with you.

WHO: Anyone
WHEN: Any time
To keep objective thinking alive, enjoying some art time, and enable positive growth.
Opening our minds/ doors, to enable Imagination & Opportunities to visit! (^^^)
WHAT: Various...

Feel free to check back for more Le Challenges... (^^^)
Until next time...
Take care & Safe travels!
Trish the Dish/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

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