Monday, July 22, 2013

C.E.S. "Le Challenge" - Drawing


WHO: Anyone
WHEN: Any time
WHY: To keep the mind thinking in objective ways, while enjoying some art time also. This can and has grown into many things in the past for some, and can again for any.
The attempt to draw the character(s) (or other forms), of what certain combinations of words sound like. Un-bias from anything in our society, using only our imaginations - like children do...

Some examples to try (not in any particular order):
How would you imagine... ?
~ General Oozing
~ Patent Pending
~ ?
~ Hippy Freak
~ Babba Yagga (the witch)
~ ?

Feel free to check back for more Le Challenge's, as other blogs.

Until next time...
Pleasant journeys through the Lands of Dreams & Mares!
Mortisha Manson/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

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