Monday, July 22, 2013

C.E.S. "Le Challenge" - Cross Words


This is one that can be done in many environmental surroundings, and by almost anyone. At home/ home school communities, in schools, at the office, for baby showers (I've done it), and even just for fun with family and friends.

WHO: Anyone interested
WHEN: Any time
Many/ any environmental surroundings - At home, or in our home school communities; in schools, at the office; for baby showers (I've done it); local library, parks or green spaces; etc...
Create a custom crossword/ word search!
This can be a complete/ favorites list, and can include all the great things about something you care about. Whatever chosen, it can always be fun for all/ any to do in their spare time.

Our planet Earth
Earth Day
Human Rights
What teachers/ staff/ schools do throughout the year
Favourites of any kind - flavours, colours, things to do

Feel free to share or trade, and have fun with family and friends (FWFF)!
Until next time...
Keep creating!
Mortisha Manson/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

C.E.S. "Le Challenge" - Drawing


WHO: Anyone
WHEN: Any time
WHY: To keep the mind thinking in objective ways, while enjoying some art time also. This can and has grown into many things in the past for some, and can again for any.
The attempt to draw the character(s) (or other forms), of what certain combinations of words sound like. Un-bias from anything in our society, using only our imaginations - like children do...

Some examples to try (not in any particular order):
How would you imagine... ?
~ General Oozing
~ Patent Pending
~ ?
~ Hippy Freak
~ Babba Yagga (the witch)
~ ?

Feel free to check back for more Le Challenge's, as other blogs.

Until next time...
Pleasant journeys through the Lands of Dreams & Mares!
Mortisha Manson/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

C.E.S. "Le Challenge" - General Info.

To Be, or Not To Become

I have found along my journeys/ adventures that Life brings us many changes through challenges along the way. And although some may be more difficult than others, it is almost always a positive growth experience to be embraced. For each of us it is different, and each of us react differently. Some like myself, enjoy many and tend to create new challenges for ourselves. These are usually within our comfort zones and abilities, but not always. For sometimes it is the harder to achieve, that truely helps us grow.
Along with these changes and challenges come the oh so many inspirations! These help to keep us motivated; as we learn, create, and grow from them in so many ways. It can become an ongoing Life 'Le Challenge' (as I call it). My thoughts are endless!
There are many local activities, events, and holiday celebrations throughout the year; that can provide inspiration/ opportunities. With this in mind, I have started a list for myself and anyone else interested. I hope you enjoy the 'Le Challenge's, that I share with you.

WHO: Anyone
WHEN: Any time
To keep objective thinking alive, enjoying some art time, and enable positive growth.
Opening our minds/ doors, to enable Imagination & Opportunities to visit! (^^^)
WHAT: Various...

Feel free to check back for more Le Challenges... (^^^)
Until next time...
Take care & Safe travels!
Trish the Dish/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

Friday, May 17, 2013

C.E.S. "Le Challenge" - Curiosity Cat 1


As I go through Life, I find that I tend to think a lot about different life and business aspects. I find that through blogs/ events I create, that I end up giving myself a lot of 'Le Challenge's. As I re-read them and make any additions/ corrections, and each time I share them; it reminders me.
Today I am sharing a new one, that came to me a while ago as I started saving files. This will be ongoing with myself in different formats for it. It started simple enough, but has grown to include more with possible levels of complication, details, or involvement.

As usual, any are welcome to try this themselves.
Any time inspired.
Anywhere you are.
To help myself with getting prepared, organized, and building/ creating a larger reference of personal resources in my files. This may come in handy in many areas, like goal setting (personal or business), scheduling, time management, information sharing, grant applying, and more.
When thinking of inspiration; there are a lot of great sayings with or without pics, or great wording from other companies.
When it comes to theories, we all have some to share.
When it comes to our passions and access as work, there are a lot of grant possibilities we may not know. These may be vital to us getting our projects/ business
initiatives off the ground, going, & continuing.
My Idea:
RE: Great sayings/ pics, or wording
How many can be combined, condensed, orated differently so it is easier to understand, etc... ?
How many times are we inspired to write our own version of the great wording we discover?
RE: Theories
How many times have I said, thought, written, or otherwise different aspects of life in possibly different view points than others. OR what seems like "common sense"
to me, is not always the case with others. OR Viewpoints on life in general (ex. Creativity). OR How do we view how our business could be, or would be if
something was different. OR What creates positives that enable growth? OR... There are so many angles/ aspects that can be explored here.
RE: Grants
How many times do we find out too late, that we had an unknown opportunity? How many times have we tried to find out how to go about getting grants, and not
been able to find them? Or don't even know about what grants may suit us individually, and our needs for personal/ business use.
1. My Crazy Curiosity 'Le Challenge'
Do the activities, and research that may be involved in answering these Qs.
RE: Great sayings/ pics, or wording
Can I do my own versions - pics or no?
What do I want to say/ portray?
How do I want to say/ portray it?
RE: Theories
It's time to get more blogged.
RE: Grants
Research online. Answer any applicable to me.

2. Then, keep it all in one folder in my files.
This shall be quite the tasks to accomplish, and will take a lot of time. I will probably be doing it sparingly as I try to get other things organized and accomplished also.
Life's not easy when you have a continually thinking inspirational brain! Cheers to all others out there! Until next time...

Take care & Safe travels
Chris S. (*@^@*)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

C.E.S. "Le Challenge" - Share & Shape

This is in honour of "Share A Story, Shape A Future" Day. History shows, that stories have shaped futures for ages. I have decided to attempt aiding this process.

Share & Shape 'Le Challenge'

Anyone interested.
March 5th - 9th
Anywhere you are! (^^^)

To encourage and enable positive growth in others through literacy, sharing part of themselves, helping others, participation, and love.

"Le Challenge"/ my IDEA:
   Extend the "Share & Shape" Day to be a week long event of sharing various activities/ options of stories that can help the "shaping"/ positive growth of others.

Story examples to share:
~ Experiences of things we enjoy/ love, or that has helped us to grow positively,
~ Favourite activities, people/ personalities, poetry/ written works, stories, etcetera.

Positive influences, can enable wonderful things!
Do you know someone that could really use some form of inspiration/ motivation, to help them through a hard time? There are lots of ways to help others, and I bet you can think of a few! (^&~)

My Top 5 Options:
Not in any particular order.
1. Learn to read
2. See the "moral" of a story, and connect what's relevent to their surroundings/ reality.
3. Gather as a family for a poem/ written work, movie, story, or otherwise.
4. Sit through a poem/ written work, movie, story, or otherwise that you may not want to hear.
5. Get yourself/ others "out & about" to create your/ their own life experiences! For stories of your/ their own in the future. Makes great stories for grandchildren, and it may just teach/ help us to grow too. (^@^)
Some may think that they have noticed, this idea to be is similar one to other types of "Pay It Forward" blogs I have done. 
More Infromation:  ~ "Le Challenge"
Until next year...
Feel free to "share & shape", any time of year!!!
Mortisha Manson/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)